Dopo Puntura - After the Bite


Nobody likes getting bitten by a mosquito - and in my case, being quite allergic, I get an extra dose of miserable every time.

So I made it my purpose in life to make sure that IF I get bitten, I don't have a very bad day.

Enter Dopo Puntura - After the Bite, in Italian.  I make it in two varieties - both work great.

The oil roller has the convenience of being a small thing you can carry around in a pocket - and a couple applications will really stop that itching, and heal you up quickly.

If you want to pull out the big guns, use the Dopo Puntura Serum.  I've used a 0.25% hyaluronic serum base, an herbal infusion, and a few essential oils, to deliver a massive punch to the toxins that cause the itching. 

Within minutes, the bite will become pronounced, as the serum goes to work on it, and within an hour or two most bites will almost disappear - and did I mention that the ITCHING stops IMMEDIATELY? 

Wonderful stuff.  I never go anywhere without it in summertime.


Herbal infusion (our secret blend), vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, vitamin e oil, essential oils of camphor, eucalyptus, menthol & catnip, hyaluronic acid solution 0.25%